People usually only call locksmiths when they find themselves in a lockout situation or with a broken or lost key. However, your local 24×7 locksmith in Reservoir can do a lot more for you than unlock your front door. Our goal is to ensure that your house, family, and belongings are secure and that you can rest easy knowing you’ve properly protected them. We’ve broken down some of our other locksmithing services below.
24×7 locksmith in Reservoir
If you’ve found yourself with a lost key, broken key, or simply locked it inside, give us a call any time of the day or night. Our locksmiths are happy to unlock your door to get you safely inside. If you believe your key has been stolen by someone who knows where you live, our locksmith can also rekey your door, rendering the stolen key useless. This would then give you a brand new set of keys so you can be assured that no one else has access to your house. If you’ve lost your key, take stock of your items to confirm if any pieces of mail or identification were available to let the thief know where the key gives entry to.
Install and service your door and window locks
We want to keep you and your home as secure as possible. So if you notice that some of your door or window locks aren’t working properly or if you feel that they are in disrepair, our locksmiths can guide you through your best options. We have roller door locks, window locks, door closers, and more. With so many security options available, you can rest easy knowing that our locksmiths will suggest the best option for you and your desired level of protection. Take a look at our full store of lock and security options. You will also find safes of various ratings and sizes, which is always recommended for a household to hold important papers, cash, jewellery or other sentimental or expensive items.
Hire a professional to complete a security audit on your home
Many people don’t realise that locks can wear out over time. After a certain point, they can start building rust or can stop locking properly altogether. And there won’t always be an obvious indication until your key breaks in the lock or you find yourself in a break-in situation. Avoid these issues by hiring a locksmith to inspect your locks. After the inspection, your locksmith will then provide any recommendations to improve upon your existing security. This will help alert you to any gaps in home security as well as give you the peace of mind that your home is safe.
We offer more services including deadlock and deadbolt installation, gate and patio locks, car lockout, and ignition unlocking. If you find yourself needing assistance with anything mentioned above, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re happy to talk you through your options to reach your level of desired security. You can reach us on 0403 288 777 or leave us a message HERE.